About us

With Africa’s youthful population of 1.4 billion, 60% of whom are under 25, the continent stands as the world’s youngest. This presents a unique opportunity for Africa to harness the energy and creativity of it’s youth and unlock their potential. However, poverty, hunger, and the lack of quality education remains major challenges across the continent. JAPA is deeply committed to addressing these issues in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

JAPA’s Mission

JAPA is dedicated to unlocking the potential of Africa’s youth by connecting them globally for outstanding success. We believe that every young person in Africa deserves the chance to thrive, and we provide the necessary resources and connections through our platform to make that happen. Our goal is to eliminate the barriers that prevent African talents from reaching their full potential and empower them to succeed on a global scale.

JAPA’s Vision

We envision a future where Africa emerges as a frontrunner, leading both herself and the world. By bridging the gap between untapped potential and tangible opportunities, we aspire to empower African youths to become trailblazers ona global stage. We believe that when African youths are given the right support and opportunities, they can become leaders and bring positive change not just to Africa but the world as well.

JAPA’s purpose is clear: to eliminate barriers between talent and potential, empowering African Youth through upskilling initiatives and seamless global connections, which are accessible through our platform. We provide opportunities and support from anywhere ensuring that Africa’s young talents are placed at the forefront of leadership on the global stage. By doing so, we believe that Africa can overcome its challenges and become a leader in creating a prosperous and sustainable future for all.

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